Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Soup Class 11-6-11 Spicy pinto bean soup and winter stew.

Soup Class from Nov. 6th, 2011
Spicy Pinto bean soup and a winter stew.
 pintos in the spicy pinto and shiitake and kombu in both.

 carnival and butternut squash in the spicy pinto.
 collards, kale and lacanto (tuscan) kale for ohitashi.  some collard in the spicy pinto.

 garlic in everything....

 water for ohitashi

 ohitashi cut and ready
 parsnip (in the stew) and daikon (in both).

 portobello and maitake in both

 daikon greens, potato, rutabaga and yellow beet (all in the stew).
 yam, sweet potato and daikon ( in spicy pinto) summer squash and peppers in spicy pinto.

 red bell pepper in both.

winter stew (in the jars)

 spicy pinto in the pot (it needed more time) and to serve.

 Mary (my assistant) and Robbyn.... thanks for a great class.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Soup Class 10-16-11 Navy Bean Miso and Spicy Gumbo Soups

Navy Bean Miso & Spicy Gumbo Soups

ohitashi: red chard, kale and tuscan kale

assorted summer squash

fresh shiitake and fresh okra

the saute

blending the miso
Navy bean miso (left) and Spicy Gumbo (right)